Say hello to a great career doing what you like! It’s not easy finding your ideal career, but you might be able to do it! From there, other aspects of your life might also improve! You might see living in a new way…who knows? No more of that weird ‘work’ ‘home’ balance and mundane living, you know what i mean, that work’s so boring deep down inside that you have to eat more food, binge watch more shows, and look towards other things to make up for the loss while working. When you start seeing how your actions lead to goals you want, what happens is you tend to stop look towards food, shows, and other short term benefit items for joy. You end up doing less overeating, show watching, and feel different inside. Perhaps happy mentally. You are fulfilled and doing most of what you enjoy or wanted, in line with your true self.


  1. you need to make a career change, find new work doing something that exposes your real talents!
  2. you need to view the work you do differently, maybe it is just a viewpoint.

In either case, what is great to notice is…

your work life contributes to your mood, sleep, health, and sociability. all of which shape how you see things, your emotional responses, how well you interact with others in any setting, and how well you enjoy life.

It is something not to be overlooked when looking back at your mental health and physical health and actually contributes to it. While not everything in your life, it does have an impact and finding something that helps your mood might make changes in your life for the better. You might just escape that cycle of negative thinking that we all stumble upon all the time. When your whole life is in a mess and you can’t just find time to be happy with how things are. You might not know what exactly it is that makes you genuinely happy, but taking some time will help and soon this same place which was negative will be seen differently, all by new activities and thought. Nice!

Finding that career…

What are some ways to help find the bridge between your interests and your work? Is there some way to merge the two? And how can you see your work as something to enhance your skills, that you can work in many locations, do many things, and see your self as a person with skills rather than just stuck at one position, work, or place for some time?

One way to begin is with a career quiz to show you your best fits and what you really enjoy.1 Some career quizzes that are available and can lead you are…

Personally, some questions to ask yourself to narrow down your true interests and talents are…

Do I enjoy work? Time for change?

  1. do you find yourself bored at work?
  2. do you drift in thought and find it hard to concentrate at work?
  3. do you have a hard time relating with your manager or co-workers?
  4. do you always watch the clock for that shift to be over?
  5. do you enjoy leaving work and coming home?
  6. how are your emotions about the work you have right now? angry? sad? joyous? excited?
  7. do you work for that work’s sake, money, or both? Is there one more over the other? money more? work’s sake more?
  8. how eager are you to start your shift, on any day?
  9. do you see your job as something special? as in, a luxury or something rare out there among jobs and enjoyment?
  10. how willing are you to make sacrifices for the job you have? work an extra shift? give up some things? later vacation time? willing? not so willing?
  11. do you think your talents are known to you? that is, you know what your special traits are.
  12. do you look forward to work after the lunch break? was lunch better than work? or work better than lunch? both equal?
  13. do you enjoy how you contribute in work?
  14. do you see yourself later in life gaining skills or just at a slump?
  15. do you have to strain yourself to ‘get the shift done’?
  16. do you find yourself looking more at what others have done rather than what you have achieved? does them doing things downplay what you’ve done?
  17. does your personality, the person you really see yourself as and as others see you, fit in with the type of work you have?

If you find yourself not enjoying work, looking forward to it being over for the day, and having a hard time relating with your co-workers and having good conversations with them, then it might be time for a change. You might do better at other places, if you can work towards it. By no means will it be easy and sequential, but it might change the way you view your life, interests, and how well you get along with others! If you’re unsure about your personality, you can try this online test to see how you are, also you can ask others too! Maybe your friends, neighbors, roommates, parents, and others. They might know more about you than yourself!

Do I have hidden talents?

  1. during your free time, do you do something that you really enjoy and are becoming good at?
  2. do you mindlessly surf the web, watch t.v., or just consume rather than create?
  3. do you like trying new things out? a subject? activity? hobby?
  4. have you ever been so skilled at a hobby that you could be professional at it?
  5. do you have that feeling where you think, ‘wait…this is actually an enjoyable time!’
  6. do you have that special activity where you completely lose your sense of self? become immersed? feel empowered?
  7. is there some activity that really motivates you and makes you happy?
  8. do you feel like deep down inside doing this activity might be better for you than your current work?
  9. do you learn better in some activities than others and enjoy doing so?
  10. do you feel bad or can’t wait until the next time you can do this activity again? as in, it was enjoyable enough to do more?
  11. do others see you are skilled at this activity? to the point of compliment?

Take some time, meditate or just relax and narrow down what activities you do for fun, learn better in, or enjoy doing. Answer the questions above. You might be skilled at something you can work towards being a professional at! Then, you might find it easier to have more happiness while working, not only during breaks, free time, or when you have days off. You can’t be ecstatic about something expected and routine like a job, but I think finding something that you like might be a huge motivating factor and facilitate you into having a better mood, sleep, and lifestyle balance! Seriously, if you spend time not liking something or just being bored in that’s a huge part of your life, you might have other aspects outside of it not working too!

Relaxing when not at work: just advice…

When not at work, the best thing to do is relax, not work more. Take some time and let it be found within you that this is time away from it. Maybe meditate, exercise, write new goals, run errands, and enjoy the fresh air outside. You deserve it and it’s actually better for your productivity and creativity. Whatever it is you need to relax either alone or with others and feel better, ready for the next time you have to work.