What’s a cleaver way to find a job? Is it mindlessly using job search engines? Asking colleagues? Applying frequently? No results? Don’t be discouraged!!!

Generally, when looking for a job using your credentials, there are patterns and ways to filter through what you might qualify for what’s probably not worth your time making a resume, interviewing, and looking into. Also, you might actually fit in some positions you don’t think you’ll actually get. Let’s find out the best ways to look for a job, from job search engines to how to make connections!

Job search engines

There are various job search engines you can use to know what jobs are available in you field of interest. You can try monster, indeed, glassdoor, and others given in this site. There are others too, give it a check online with your favorite search engine. It’s a good idea to review the company you are trying to apply to and have some information beforehand when applying. Remember, you have a variety of options and it’s better to seek employment wisely; do some quick research beforehand about the company you wish to work for and make your before you apply you know why you might be a good fit. You might like a position, but not so much company benefits or policies or you might not like the company but like the position’s benefits. It’s always a good idea to check.

Don’t just blindly look for a job without knowing what they have to offer you too! As an employee you have benefits and options too. Just letting you know… You aren’t just one out of the many, you have your own unique talents too. You think so, right?

Getting Connections

Oftentimes, one the best ways to earn a job position is with connections, that is, having associations with others who are affiliated with the company you wish to work for. When you have connections, it shows the employers…

  1. you are familiar with some of the company already
  2. you might have an easier time with the work, taking interest in company
  3. other people in the company have had a good contact with you

all of which might make you a good fit or candidate for the job. So…

how does one have connections?

Contacting company workers or managers either remotely or directly, perhaps over common company interest or to just inquire more about the company.

For remote or online networking, a good and often used site is linkedin where you can make you profile reflect your skills and connect with others interested in the same fields you are. Try to find companies you would like to work with and make connections with those associated with them. From there, you can try having conversations either written electronically or over webcamera if there’s anything you’re interested in. Just make sure you have some good connections! When you later apply, you might reference those you had connections with on a subject about the company to show interest in the company…

There are other sites too! You can try Meetup to find where people interested in the same things you are are meeting for career related events and gain some experience with other things too! You can also try slack and go to different channels according to your interests! There are other options as well, try to find meaningful connections and there’s nothing wrong with more! The idea is to get a better picture about the company you want to work for as well as have a good standing with them. All of this helps with your employment later.

Making a thorough check…

Before applying, make sure first that your resume is up-to-date! Keep it tailored for the position you want and include everything that is relevant. Make sure your contact information is apparent if you apply for a remote job and leave a reference for them to reach you if you apply locally. Also, be prepared for an interview if you are chosen as a potential candidate and keep a regular check of your email or other ways for employers to contact you. Always respond within due reason, at your earliest convenience and show the employer that you wish to work there with the greatest of intent.

Stay positive during the job search. Keep a positive view1… Also know that a job search will take maybe months2 to be successful, don’t be discouraged by lack of response and keep trying! I think you can do it!


For any formal interview…

  1. make sure you dress professionally
  2. show up on time, perhaps with extra time before the interview
  3. be natural but also at the same time know common interviewing techniques3
  4. ask how long it might be for a response of employment to see when to follow up1, just be sure to follow up professionally, not in-need2
  5. try a mock interview with a friend or other people to get and idea of what an interview might be2
  6. you can write thank-you notes to the interviewers to show them the job is valued highly to you
  7. review reasons for seeking the position, know clearly why you would like to work there
  8. keep yourself sharp and alert that day! let your talents show!
  9. keep a copy of anything they might like or have it ready if they request (projects, references, and other things)
  10. ask your own questions during it! don’t be afraid of asking if anything makes you curious4
  11. show a team spirit! be willing to work with others and know how to handle situations professionally with others (conflicts)
  12. show ability to make compromises, salary, location, and flexible hours…
