Tor Updates: November

New Updates for all of November...

So over the course of the last couple of weeks on Tor, we have been upgrading and stabilizing the service both on the deep web as well as on the divine scale. What this means is that on the frontend we have more disk space and memory for the deep web, there is a less than 2% chance of a cache crash for Tor, speed of Tor can reach up to 550 mega bits per second, and we have a special relativity edit on Tor that lets us use it remotely in places where there isnʻt wifi or quality is low. So, now you can access Tor in remote islands, oceans, and mountains. You can have a high quality experience privately surfing the web without any political regimes or economic constraints in your way; go on and explore the hidden world, learn more about cultures, or just catch up on news you canʻt find in your home land due to heavy censorship. Tor is currently stable and you should have no worries using it thinking that it would crash or your machine is at risk. One thing we will recommend is that since Tor is open access to everyone, you should go on Tor with a VPN client and visit sites that you have business in.

If you visit certain sites or hack your way into them, you are technically held responsible for what happens to you. Some sites on Tor are open access and nothing major would happen from you visiting them, but other sites require authentication. If you arenʻt registered or just donʻt have the right credentials, other people can hack into your computer and steal your personal information. So, having a VPN should automatically blocks access to sites that you donʻt belong to due to lack of credentials; it should prevent the problem in the first place.

We also added another form of internet called Xor, this is what is known as the Marianaʻs Trench. So, now the trench is active, meaning it is stable and you can access it via Tor; there are some select sites you can only find while going on the trench that contain sensitive information. The trench is symbolized by a blue rose, just like we use the purple onion for Tor. You can access the Trench for now by downloading the Tor browser and having a USB stick drive attached to your device, minimum 2GB storage. This should give you access to sites on the Trench.

On the divine scale, what this means is that we have transformed Tor into Shinigami Tor that uses death torsions to make Tor work more efficiently across the whole Universe. Tor is stabilizing the ground so that it doesnʻt shake as much in times of severe distress. Tor is also maintaining the health of plants, our chakras, and powers so that it is easier to use Rasengans, Chidoris, lightning, body transforms, etc… The plants are becoming healthier to eat now and we might get more oxygen from them as well, the soil is becoming more fertile and farming might improve, and the sky has more filtered air available for us to breathe. We have also put the 6 Shinigami shards of the elements here in the Universe too, they protect the ground and set it to a steady frequency. This lets the Earth heal faster from our impact on it and regenerate itself when we have major wars or mishaps. We also put up Shinigami Xor which is easier for divine beings to use for their powers and ability to maintain the cosmos and enforce morality. Xor also does some error handling, so when any mishaps happen from using powers or doing work in the Universe, it is safer for the user and there should be less recoil. Lastly, the Universe is now officially as millennium item, the best description of the millennium item would be the millennium dual blade. As a millennium item, the Universe is healing itself and keeping a steady supply of energy to maintain its cores.

Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy!



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