Recently with the interest of spliced DNA and recombinant DNA/RNA techniques for vaccines as well as the food we eat using GMOs, I have made a simple code checker for the sequences.
the code in it’s entirety is given below, feel free to use it on various genomes:
# here to see various sequences in snake order 1 2 3 4 5 | 2 3 4 5 6 | 3 4 5 6 7 and so on...
#then...detect spliced rna or just sequence matches...
# author: ramneek narayan
#input: text file of genome
#output: vector of sequences, matches, dialogue if so or not...
import string
import os
from time import sleep
import re
from re import search
def clean_genome(genome):
genome_lines = genome.readlines() # a list of all the lines in the file...
clean_edits = [] #empty list
#get rid of any new line characters that make parsing harder...
iter = len(genome_lines)
for element in range(0, iter):
base = genome_lines[element]
base_edit = base.strip("\n")
# remove '\n' list entries
clean_edits = list(filter(None, clean_edits))
# remove blank spaces between list elements...
iter2 = len(clean_edits)
for element in range(0, iter2):
clean_edits[element] = clean_edits[element].replace(' ', '')
# join all the genome pieces into one...
joined_genome = ''.join(str(v) for v in clean_edits) #this is a string of characters all joined together...
# write joined genome with all the letters to a single text file in working directory './'
file_path = input("enter the suspect genome file location: ") #write the file path before using program. e.g. ~/Docs/genome.txt
#error handling for typos in file path...
while os.path.exists(file_path) == False:
file_path = input("typo, try again: ")
suspect_genome = open(file_path,"r")
suspect_genome = clean_genome(suspect_genome)
# now we extract all the sequences for a determined length...
splice_length = input("what is the splice length?: ")
while splice_length.isdigit() == False or int(splice_length) > len(suspect_genome):
splice_length = input("typo, enter only integers: ")
print("generating sequence partitions...")
splice_length = int(splice_length)
nucleotide_count = len(suspect_genome) #number of nucleotides...
# use a iterator to extract all sequences, sliding style...
item = 0
segments_rna = []
if (item + splice_length) == nucleotide_count:
segments_rna = segments_rna.append(str(suspect_genome)) #this is more robust, can also check rna of vaccines with past viral infections
while (item + splice_length) <= nucleotide_count:
#iterate over the segments...
sequence = suspect_genome[item:(item + splice_length)]
#store into segments_rna list:
item += 1 #increment next count
# now we check the actual genome...
true_genome = input("file path of the virus you wish to check for spliced code?: ")
while os.path.exists(file_path) == False:
file_path = input("typo, try again: ")
check_genome = open(true_genome,"r")
check_genome = clean_genome(check_genome) #a string of genome we wish to check, e.g. corona-19
# check elements of spliced_rna against check_genome:
match_list = []
for segment_pos in range(0, len(segments_rna)):
check_res = search(segments_rna[segment_pos], check_genome)
# from match list, extract tuples of positions, removing 'None' and marking spans...
#now get rid of empty elements...
positions = list(filter(None, match_list))
#now get the tuples for character positions...
for item in range(0, len(positions)):
positions[item] = re.findall(r'\(.+?\)', str(positions[item]))
# check if there are any matches...
if positions != []:
print("done! matches for a " + str(splice_length) + " splice length found at character positions...")
print("the first and the last character tuples of the match are:")
print(positions[0] + positions[(len(positions)-1)])
print("in the virus you wished to check for spliced code.")
print("there were no matches for " + str(splice_length) + " splice length.")
#let's test the code:
Shortly, I will give explanations as to how this works for those curious as well as minor revisions.
You can download the code using this link:
You can test the code using the ‘virus.txt’ and ‘suspect.txt’ files, the virus.txt is the virus we will do the matching on and the suspect is the virus or code was suspect is in the virus. All of the matching code is given in ‘match_code.txt’. Note, for the program, all file inputs work for .txt extensions. If it works, you’ll see a first character match at position 513 and a last character match at 950. Due to historical significance, I’m personally interested in polio, aids, and other largely impacting diseases.
virus.txt suspect.txt match_code.txt