Been here some time…I made these times more reflective than experiential. By this method I was able to gather some truths about this place. I leave them here for you, reader. This is wisdom from years of living in this place, it doesn’t change too much, what things lead to a great moments and the patterns behind them. It’s all in how well one understands and reflects that determine how their way of seeing things changes for joy.
Life Truths
Very seldom are things perfect, expect more things to be unperfect, the opposite
Very seldom do things as they appear in the mind work out so
Money can take you places, don’t lose this one
Being nice to people can be worthwhile
Ignorance is bliss to those who want to be ignorant, nothing more
Sometimes one’s initial decisions aren’t the best, but they can feel so with the given information available. Don’t look back at decisions with lament, even more so when they are rational
5 minutes spent in good thought do more than 5 seconds in quick behavior, without thinking. Looking back, the joy lasts longer when one knows they thought things through than just going with ‘something of the moment’ which can cause later pain, at least with me
Health is the greatest wealth, not money
Don’t run to happiness as an escape, nor crave it above what life really is
Always watch the diet, don’t eat processed food, keep things alkaline
Most things go away with time. Things can be better in the future. Don’t be so taken by things that happen here.
Thoughts are like cinemas, you’ll realize that they can’t harm you like actions in a movie
Once in a while, let thoughts just flow, see what they are about rather than just being absorbed by them. There is insight with the things one thinks about.
Humans were once more violent than today, it’s our advancements that amplify those kinds of thoughts now. Then, more people thought with harm, and things as rape were, let’s say…as normal as taco tuesdays or happy hours.
Always see people with any disease, mental or physical, as people first, not their illnesses. They aren’t people to assign into studies without consent nor to be mislead into doing things they might later regret.
One’s income can shape one’s perception. Don’t be one of those people. See it all the same. Don’t be a slave to cash, if you become fearful, realize that you don’t have to be. The difference in this time is thought, nothing more. Good thinking helps more, I’ve learned.
It never hurts to share calmness and reasoning about problems in the mind. There are patterns in how the mind assesses events.
For every problem you have, I can guarantee 100+ people have had the same one, just at different times. Don’t get narrow minded.
Age is not a matter of intelligence, experience is. Look at specialization of labor as an example. 60 year old with no medical knowledge is not wiser than a 40 year old with some practice. It’s a matter of what one’s thinking and doing that generates intelligence relative to a field. Later things can be abstracted. It’s in the abstraction ability that determines how many new ideas can be formed. Give respect to everyone, age doesn’t matter. Don’t be those people who give respect to just one class of humans and not the others. It’s weird.
More beutiful than physical beauty is intelligence. Intelligence is true beauty. Why? Look around, all things we have came from intelligence and intelligent minds.
Good to keep a record of things, especially regarding finances. It’s good to know where one’s money is going so as not to be dumbfounded about how things are, money-wise. Be money efficient, take purchases somewhere, let them help you in life, make you calmer, smarter, and a person of little greed.
It never hurts to learn best ways of taking care of oneself. In truth, at one point in time there will just be you and your actions. If one thinks ahead, it won’t be surprising doing things one one’s own, nor will it be daunting.
Dreamers don’t give up in life. They keep going. The masses are quick to let go of their good talents, things their heart can really enjoy doing. But, dreamers, they find ways to make their visions real.
Thinking now, I don’t think one’s 60s and beyond are the ‘best’ times ever, so enjoy those times prior. It’s when one’s most able like pixlls on a screen, it’s when they are the most clear; experiential moments are richer. Don’t take youth nor middle ages for granted, do something with those times for those after.
Always change things up from time to time in life, food, clothing, music, eating places, etc… it’s how new ideas can flow
Better than quick belief, is skepticisim. Always put claims to good scrutny before accepting them. Not that they are wrong, it’s that you don’t have evidence yet proving them correct. You wouldn’t assume something based off of a sentence on paper, right? You’d want sound references and evidence with data, right? Because, I can write an infinite things with my pen, some true and others false; you wouldn’t just believe all of them without thinking first, right? When I did this, I found some calmness.
Violence is a part of this earth, and it’s been like this for a while, with most animals it’s like this. For a change, do the opposite for once. There’s more violence, than non-violence here. Get to the root of it, why be like this?
Free yourself from the past, it’s a blessing and let’s new moments and thoughts grow. Because…there’s no one holding you back from a good life now, that’s always there.
Early rising pays off, I mean it.
Thoughts are universal. So, what you feel, others too also have felt. Practice putting yourself in other people’s positions in life, it’s a good way to relate to others and keeps the peace in the mind. Say: ‘if this happened to me…how would it be?’ Too many people today have a hard time seeing like this, even people called ‘normal’, they get into fights and stop seeing each other more as the same and fail to grasp different perspectives.
Lastly (the big one)
- You can always be happy, no one nor any event can take this from you : +this one is a life enhancer…don’t save happiness after things, enjoy it right now, in this moment.
These notes signify what I’ve learned over the past years. They are as valuable as the gold we use for value, even though we don’t use it as we do food which has a higher utility (think of it: 1 day w/o food is felt strongly, but 1 day without gold…it doesn’t matter, same with diamonds and the rest).