Some wisdom….globally
when vaccine is out in mass: look closely at whether major ceos and other sharks, see if they immediately get the 90% effective shot from pfizer.
watch their moves carefully and if they don’t admit to being vaccinated ask why, there’s always a reason. don’t ever be afraid to simply ask. if a majority do not take the vaccine that was mass produced…please note and remember it. and always inquire. why not?
it would be odd for people in high authority not to want to protect themselves so as to keep immunity. really odd. those people, despite touted vaccines, are refusing to protect themselves.
- super effective
- ‘COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths across the United States are rising.’1
- political leaders make major decisions for citizens to blindly follow
- ceos make major decisions for citizens to blindly accept
- biotech companies are mass producing! they believe in what they make, including ceos and rich elite who hope to cash in those billions soon to come. they anticipate fat paychecks and lots of cash, right now in december 2020.
they are important leaders who have a strong influence in the world we live in. we need them to be vaccinated first as they are priority. same with leaders in china, japan, and all other major world countries. they matter the most right now and without them, we can’t have society functioning. all vaccinated with boosters. yes, all political leaders in major sharks need the vaccine, immediately, before citizens. we need their leadership in these hard times. and as the CDC reports, ‘COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths across the United States are rising.’1
clearly, corona is high threat to our countries and those leaders need it first, especially if biotech companies are producing them in mass. we need all ceos and producers of the vaccine to be vaccinated first because they are valuable to society and deserve immunity first. so far, we’ve been effective in corona case reduction thanks to leaders in china who flew away when the outbreak happened in wuhan. that’s leadership! when outbreaks occur, all political leaders can fly away due to fear and importance. the average chinese citizen? a dime a dozen from political action! action demonstrates this! in a country of 1,000,000,000+ only the elite matter!
please chinese leaders! get vaccinated right away! you serve an important role! you reduced cases down to 90,000! profound leadership! now china is completely normal! wait…if china is normal, why are all becoming vaccinated? it’s only 90,000 cases! 90,000 cases goes the news broadcaster! applause! now time to make tibetans work military style!
∴ they truly believe in their efficacy then, the mass production means.
what we need to avoid:
a case where major ceos and leaders refuse the vaccine before average citizens have them. especially biotech workers in the higher sectors who anticipate large sums of cash later, they created them. it would be odd if they refuse injections from a product they made, especially researchers and doctors responsible for the vaccines they produce and claim ‘effective’. this contradicts the importance of major ceos and political leaders. the most important first.