I’m just putting opinions and questions about mRNA vaccines that make the body produce spikes. I think it’s fair to question what’s happening right now and to be well informed, at least scientifically and to have thorough explanations about what we are taking inside our bodies.
opinions & questions: spike proteins
if the spikes provoke an immune response, which they do. why would the response stop after antibodies are made? the same spikes are still there. and they will still be there after injection, for life, they don’t come off your cells. if the body makes more and more spikes, what is the immune system going to do then? that RNA doesn’t replicate does it? no, probably not. so we have X ml of vaccine RNA into the body making how many spikes? did clinical trials check blood spike count months post injection? is it even healthy for cells to have spikes on them or floating about? what makes the immune system say ‘okay, there are spikes, but we won’t provoke immune response?’ and further…why aren’t news anchors asking this? why aren’t they curious? and why aren’t scientists reassuring us that the immune response goes away completely as observed in phase III clinical trials after X days? such lack of information on ‘news’. these are good questions one needs to make sure they aren’t going to harm themselves, anti-vax people have reasons and lack of public information promotes distrust. something like all of pfizer and moderna be injected globally might shift people’s minds, but they haven’t done that nor do they have plans to do so…that means don’t expect it to be happening, they plan on having herd immunity if that’s even possible. that made me question the data, this one fact. if something is truly 95% effective, then why aren’t the people who made them taking them as with an ordinary flu shot or with the polio vaccine for children? those are at or below this level of accuracy. isn’t it a little odd?
more spikes mean to the body: ‘more virus, immune system work.’ if they linger: ‘virus still here.’ could that be what’s happening? maybe something like ‘spikes in, response, anti-bodies, spikes gone.’ that might be better. but: that’s not happening. vaccines introduce some element of a virus to give the body a similar response to being infected only that the spikes can’t give covid-19 infection, so the body isn’t harmed at all. typical vaccines usually have the response and the weakened virus is eliminated from the body, there is no weakened flu in the body, it is flushed out or eliminated by anti-bodies. the weakened flu doesn’t reproduce at all, that’s why it can’t give you a real flu infection, no cell is killed and no flu particles are made. that was the point: the anti-bodies.
the spikes caused the immune response. so…if they are still there, the body thinks something it’s not supposed to have is still there so it’s going to do what it did again to get it out. the mRNA entailed it.
are poor people chimps right now? healthcare workers? people who need to be injected for work? imagine how that feels, injected for job to earn cash but not knowing what might happen. i know i’m not alone, researches already thought this and did nothing about it. metaphorically. this is why i’m hesitant about it. and i think we all can have a choice if we show reason behind it.
i’m also not afraid of being wrong, so if there is evidence to counter-act what i say here, that may be great. and better information publicly about data and efficacy would be great. i could be wrong and the vaccine is really that great and if this is so: we can get back to work and speed up the economy, as we were somewhat in 2019 and perhaps corona will be as popular as minor viruses. i’m all for that, back to normalcy.