Health Note
Health Note
Just some health facts that the writer has observed made a positive change in existence.
Facts about sitting down
- Humans today sit for about 9 hours a day
- Those who sit for prolonged periods of time regularly increase their chance of an early death
- The risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems increase
- An 8% increase in sitting was observed with a doubling obesity rate even though exercise rates remained constant in America from 1980-2000
- A 5 minute standing break for a set time interval can help slow these effects in conjunction with exercise
Facts about cold showers (below 70F/21C)
- Increases endorphins (helps with mood)
- May increase metabolism
- Promotes healthy blood circulation
- Improves immune system performance
- Usually take less time than warm showers (writer takes 5min. showers now vs. 18min. in past)
- Saves on water heating bill
- Saves on water consumption bill
Wishing you good health!